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Barton Reading and Spelling System. This website contains abundant resources for parents to learn about their child's Dyslexia and what can be done to give them the help they need.


Wordwall. This website contains an abundance of games and activities for students to practice the Barton spelling and reading rules. You can search by Barton book and lesson. Current students of mine will received shared access to all my games and activities. Free (with limited access). $78/year for full access.


Learning Ally. This app contains hundreds of audiobooks for kids and teens where the text can be adjusted to size or type to make it easier to read. Monthly subscription.


Natural Reader. This app is a text-to-speech app the naturally and rhythmically reads any text from emails to webpages to other numerous scripts. Free (monthly sub. optional)


ModMath. This app helps kids work on math problems without using a pencil. It gives students virtual graph paper that can be manipulated by numbers, math operations and equations. The app lets you write and solve math problems right onto the touch screen of an iPad using the custom keypad, and you can print, email, or save to cloud services like Dropbox. Free.


A+ Spelling Test. This app allows you to create, take, and review your own personal spelling tests. You can record the words in your own voice, listen to words you need to spell, and receive a detailed report with all the words you got correct or missed.


Voice Dream Reader. This app is customizable and allows the student to highlight the text they would like read aloud. Adjustable voice and speed options. Initial Free download. Full version $9.99.


Quizlet. This app allows you to create your own flashcard sets for any subject matter using pictures, audio playback, and much more! Study the cards through interactive games, basic flashcards, or the learn option. Free. Quizlet Plus $20/yr.


Dyslexia Glasses or Dyslexia Browser. These app provide customizable colored overlays to help those who find reading black text on a white background difficult. Change the brightness and transparency of the overlay. One time fee $1.99.

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